Yinyogautbildning Modul 2 med Todd Grube
lör 15 apr.
En helt ny 50 timmars kurs med nytt material med spännande innehåll och matnyttig kunskap för dig yogalärare/terapeut eller yinyogaälskare. Denna gång Modul 2 som naturligtvis passar dig som gått Modul 1 +2 (tidigare annat innehåll) men också för dig som ännu inte gått 1:an.

Tid och plats
15 apr. 2023 10:00 – 18:00
Östersund, Artillerigatan 7, 831 35 Östersund, Sverige
Om evenemanget
Module 2 Yin Yoga
In module 2 we do 1-2 yin classes a day focusing on different parts of the body and always start with Paul Grilley's Infant hip and spine release sequence then we move into a greater yin practice.
In the 1:st weekend we will cover:
- The Chinese 5 elements ( earth, metal , water, wood and fire ) and how they pertain to yin yoga
- 5 elements yin yoga, a traditional yin class that works with the Chinese 5 elements inspired by Paulie Zink the founder of Yin yoga, we will learn basic postures and movements that connect with each element, meridian and organs
- Acupressure and Shiatsu massage, learn how to use acupressure while in postures and also learn different acupuncture points for injuries and healing the body we also learn a little Shiatsu massage (Japanese acupressure)
- Intro to Taoist and Tantric philosophy, we look at the concepts of Yin-Yang, Shiva-Shakti on how to apply this to yin yoga and also we will learn both Taoist and Tantric meditations
In the 2:nd weekend we will cover:
- Dance of the dragon qigong, a beautiful and powerful complement to the yin practice, having its roots in ancient Taoist shamanic practices is easy to learn and very healing
- Introduction to Chinese medicine we will learn easy diagnostic techniques such as reading the face, tongue and pulse and a bit of history and theory and how this applies to yin yoga
- Tea Meditation (Cha - Dao) here we learn and experience a Chinese tea meditation and learn about different Chinese teas
- More Taoist and Tantric meditations and theory (Yin - Yang, Shiva - Shakti)
- Golden Elephant Yang Flow (a easy standing Yang flow and a great complement to yin yoga used as a warm up Inspired by Master Paul Grilley and also we look at the hip tempering sequence a warm up for the hips and spine great before the yin dragon and lizard sequences.
Todd Grube (Heng - Ni) has been practicing different forms of movement practices such as dance, yoga and martial arts for over 25 years. He is one of a few people in Europe that has studied with the original founder of Yin Yoga, Master Paulie Zink, and his most advanced student Damon Honeycutt (Old monkey). He has also received the blessing to teach Yin Yoga and also Taoist yoga which Yin Yoga originates from, by them both.
Todd is also a disciple of the famous Shaloin Temple of China and also lived as a monk for a few years. He also trained in the yogic martial arts system of Yogic arts created by Master Duncan Wong for many years and is currently studying Tantra, Butoh and Chauu dance with Sensei Yuki Taniguchi from Japan.
Din investering: 8500kr inkl. moms (för företag exklusive moms). Early Bird-pris (rabatt) och delbetalningar (tilläggskostnad) möjliga!
- Early Bird-pris 10% rabatt om du betalar hela beloppet 1000kr vid anmälan och resterande 6650kr senast 9 februari!
- 10% rabatt för dig som gått en yinyogautbildning för Todd tidigare (+ 10% rabatt du anmäler dig tidigt - Early Bird - se ovan)
- Anmälningsavgiften 1000kr (återbetalas ej vid avbokning) betalar du här på hemsidan eller med swish till 123 635 9863 när du gör din anmälan (skriv Yinutbildning hösten 22 i meddelanderaden) och resterande en månad senare dock senast 30 dagar innan start (17 februari).
- Alternativt 1000kr vid anmälan och sedan tre delbetalningar a 2600kr (1/3, 1/4, 1/5) totalt 8800kr.
- Avbokning kan göras fram till 30 dagar innan utbildningsstart med full återbetalning (förutom anmälningsavgiften). Vid avbokning senare än 30 dagar innan kursstart sker återbetalning endast vid uppvisande av sjukintyg eller om en ersättare kan ta din plats.
Anmälan per mail till info@yoga-shala.se (eller i Utbildningar & kurser på hemsidan). Ange adress och telefonnummer och hur du betalat in anmälningsavgiften.
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